Today is like nescafe three in one :)

Hari ni aku sambut tiga benda :

BIRTHDAY ABANG AKUUUUUU, dia anak merdeka. :>

SAMBUTAN KEMERDEKAAN. . Saya Anak Malaysia. <3

HARI RAYA KEDUAAAA. :) Angpau satu?

# Kau ada? Be jelly. Seronoknya hari ni. 

Ramadhan Al-Mubarak

Tonight , on the television and wait for the announcement 'bila puasa nk mula?' . It might be possible that tommorow will be the first of Ramadhan. Hehehe , Nk raya! Puasa pun belum dah nak raya. When it comes to fasting that's mean we (the muslims) will be fasting for a month then only RAYA. I am so sure that today will be Hari Makan Sedunia for the muslims because tommorow we will start fasting. I love fasting becuase it's good for digestion and I will experience how hungry or thirsty when the unfortune people do not have food or water to eat or drink. There is a lot of benefits WE can get while fasting.

Lastly I just wanna say , Selamat menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak.

Malaysia vs Singapore

This is what I said before the game started yesterday : No matter what Malaysia , I will always love you , Malaysia. From the start until the end of the game I said : GO TIGERS , GO TIGERS ! It's nice to see that Aidil Zafuan was in the game. But 27 minutes later he's out of the game because he is injured. Omg , he is such an amazing defender. He was replace by Muslim. The first-half game was like WOW even there's no score from Malaysia.

Oppps , before that  when it comes to supporters. There were 90 000 people in the Stadium come to support Malaysia Football Team. Not just me but Rajagobal (Malaysia football team's coach) too were suprised by the amount of supporters. There were just a plenty of Singapore's supporters. I was shocked when the host say that there is foreigners who comes to Stadium to support Malaysia! :O The Stadium was fulled with black and yellow or blue and red colours. YEAH MALAYSIA.

When second-half game at the 56 minutes Safee Sali from Malaysia score a goal. And that was when I jumped happily in the living room with my family.I cannot imagine how the condition will be at the Stadium when Malaysia score a goal. Btw, sedikit kecewa Singapore later score a goal too. What a fate. Blah la kau Lions. The Lions love to be DRAMA QUEEN at the field. Ciss, I hate Lions GK.

When The Lions's GK acting like omg-headache-wait-wait I said fuckoff-shit-babi-gampang-hell​-damn-cibai kau pehal ? Kan dah dapat kad kuning. Serve your right.
Malaysia you're still awesome. Thanks a lot to Apek. :)
Whatever Malaysia like what I said I will always love you , MALAYSIA. Thank you Malaysia football team for giving us a Greatwelldone-job! Thumbs up for Malaysia. I am proud to be Malaysian . Saya Anak Malaysia. Asal jealous ? FUCK OFF TO MALAYSIA'S HATERS.

#Penyokong tersejati Malaysia. Lots of love , Soleha Anhar.

Memang cun ah.

 Cerita ni memang best plus the best ah. Hahaha OKAY senang cerita , boleh tahan. HAHA, Maya Karin hang ni mamang cun. Ghahaha Luna Latisya orang yang suka jaga tepi kain orang. At least comedy nya menjadi. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa , Btw cuba buka ni :Justin Bieber <3 Hahaha viedoo tu memang comel. I mean Justin Bieber yg comel sebenarnyaa. Sebenarnya Cun yg saya nk kasi tahu tu ialah JB. Dialah yg terbaik. HAHA , you are always gonna be my baby.

Me as Me.

HAI! Nama saya Soleha. Ok , memang baru kat sini. Tak tahu satu apa pun.Sebab tu blog buruk semacam je.Orang panggil Sole. 'Lagi pendek lagi bagus , panjang - panjang berbelit lidah gua tak kisoh'. Macha suka pkai tudung mcam Maria Elena , Hana Tajima and Yuna. Jgan nk banyak komen. Shh , diam.Tak nak ckap banyak - banyak nnti orng complain. Bak kata banglamerahjambu : *terlajak fixie moleh undur , terlajak kata lantak engko lew*. Soo , bye bye. :D
